
Wednesday 27 March 2013


WALT write poetry, just like George Ella Lyon.  We can use line starters 'I am from'.  Our poems help the reader to visualise what we think we had in our childhood.  We have included toys, sayings, TV shows, treats, memories and much much more.  Our poems end with a line like Lyons example about a family tree or family photos.
We have edited ourselves, then with Mrs T.  Afterwards we have published our writing in our 'beautiful' publishing books.  
Check out our writing and presentation skills.
by MokMar

by DisKob

by GerKaz

by GonMat

by YouMic

by TomTam

by LimAar

by KerTan

 by RanDeb

by VoeDan

by FraOll

by AshSar

by TepMou

by TaiSat

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